Friday, March 14, 2008

Greenway Mailer

This project is for a non-profit organization here in the Twin Cities. The Greenway is a stretch of bike and walking trails that are beautifully decorated with intricate gardens of native plants and flowers. Our assignment was to create a promotional piece that incorporated the handmade quality of the Greenway and a call for involvement.

The piece I created is the backside of a half-fold mailer that could be created in large quantities at a low price. My group decided to utilize hand drawn elements with images from the Greenway inside a color scheme that reflected the idea of spring, growth, and renewal.

DISCLAIMER: The colors in this image are incorrect, I am currently investigating the strange colors that occurred and will update when the correct image is created.

1 comment:

Olbra002 said...

Hey! I loved your design for this project. I think if Theresa picks your group it would be really interesting to challenge yourself to a limited color palette! Otherwise, I love the excitement it brings to the Greenway and how it doesn't look corporate because corporate sucks!